zapFARM: Hosting Services

zapFARM: Hosting Services

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  • #30418
    ZAP Technologies

      ZAP-fiX and the new zapFARM offers the flexibility of the industry’s only Full Lifecycle Mobile Testing platform – on-site, customer managed, secure (ZAP-fiX) or Pay-As-You-Go, subscription, and low administration costs (zapFARM).

      ZAP has expanded our industry’s only Full Lifecycle Mobile Testing solutions and services to provide hosted device support on zapFARM.

      ZAP has already established itself as the most functionally expert, financially flexible portfolio of mobile testing products and solutions that have become a key strategic platform for global commercial brands rapidly accelerating transformation and migration of key business applications to smartphones, tablets and other intelligent devices.

      ZAP’s family of emulators, viewers and real device testing tools extend and increase the investment value of HP’s market leading QuickTest Professional ALM suite by delivering transparency and compliance with existing installation, test scripts, administration and management reporting procedures – no new skills, no new education, no retraining of expensive personnel resources.

      Now zapFARM can completely eliminate the time, complexity and logistics of acquiring, maintaining, updating and adding to your mobile device inventory as your application platforms change or expand.

      Where you have more flexibility, and less concern regarding local process management and security, zapFARM provides a hosted service subscription program that provides managed access to mobile devices located at our Atlanta-based hosting facility. ZAP provides the hardware and telecommunications facilities, manages logistics and inventory, and administers all aspects of your custom testing environment. You pay for the service when you require it, for as long as you need it, at a cost that makes sense to you

      You can see more, here:


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