Zap-fix freeze after some use

Zap-fix freeze after some use

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  • #30567
    Hogan Rotem

      Hello Zap,

      We are having issue with Zap-fix, which is:
      After some use Zap-fix tends to freeze and does not work no more.
      Only when we close its process from the Task Manager we are able to restart it again.

      Please help.


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello HoRotem,

        Thank-you for your question.

        Basically this issue we had reports from another client of ours, but non of our other clients experienced such issue, therefore we tend to believe this issue is being caused by problematic environment (Unsupported orand contains elements which conflict with Zap-fix).
        To understand more precisely what the problem is we need to install 2 components where the problematic Zap-fix instance is being installed:
        1. Zap-fix Debug agent, which will allow remote debugging of Zap-fix instance.
        2. Hamatchi VPN, to enable access to the specific machine from remote.
        With these 2 components our R&D team will be able to access remotely to the problematic Zap-fix instance and isolate its issues.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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