Why there is “Iterations” in test reports

Why there is “Iterations” in test reports

Home Forums Ask Expert Why there is “Iterations” in test reports

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  • #61725
    Brian Docku


      Why there is Iteration 1, Iteration 2 and etc in reports while using datables in scripts?
      Any way to change that behavior? I would like to see not “Iteration 1” but some logical info there.

      Airat ZAP

        Hello, Brian
        Iteration basically represent each raw that you have in the datable by default there will be just Iteration numbers in the reports.
        But you can change this behavior by using zap.reports namespace methods, please check our documentation: https://www.zaptest.com/documentation
        Here is some example imagine you have login names in datable like this:
        You can use this method to name current iteration with login name from Datatable:
        zap.Report.SetIterationName “Starting test using login name: ” & Datatable.Value(“Login name”)
        After doing this your ZapTest report will look like this:
        Report example

        Also you can use this methods to create logical subsections in the reports, for example:
        Zap.Report.StartSection “Open Website”
        Application(“zap”).Launch “chrome”, “www.zaptest.com”
        Zap.Report.EndSection “Open Website”

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