Where is the Zap-fix Help?

Where is the Zap-fix Help?

Home Forums ZAPTEST Old Posts Where is the Zap-fix Help?

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  • #30581
    Rob Kites

      Hello Zap,

      We are looking for the Zap-fix help:
      We noticed there are references for Help in the Zap-fix Standalone version, but when clicking on it the Zap main portal appears.

      Please advise what is the best way to get help for the Zap products?


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello RobKites,

        Thank-you for your question.

        Zap team used the HP testing tools for a very long time (Since 1999);
        Based on our experience with other testing tools we understand what is best for the end user, therefore we’ve set the ZPX (Zap-fix) help system as follow:
        – All help will be online, in the ZPX portal.
        – The new ZPX features will be published in the ZPX’ Readme.
        – In the ZPX portal you can search for any keyword to get the expected result.
        – Login to the ZPX Portal, access the User Zone, there you’ll find more information.
        Note that Zap prefers videos upon text, therefore you’ll see more videos and less text explanation.

        Please contact Zap for more help.


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