What type of license do we need?

What type of license do we need?

Home Forums ZAPTEST Old Posts What type of license do we need?

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  • #30571
    Barbara Jackson

      Hello Zap,

      In our QA team there are 5 employees.
      We just bought Zap-fix but it seems we got confused regarding its licensing:
      Please advise how will be best for us to license Zap-fix.

      Thanks in advance.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello BarbJack,

        Thank-you for your question.

        Basically if you have more then 1 user who will use ZPX (Zap-fix) you need to purchase a single Concurrent License specifying the amount of ZPX users who will be using ZPX (This option you’ll see in the ZPX License Request form, after specifying the "License Type" as Concurrent below you’ll specify the "Concurrent Clients Number"):
        In your case you have 5 ZPX users, this means you’ll have to purchase a single ZPX Concurrent license valid for 5 users.

        Note: If you’ll get the ZPX Concurrent License you need to make sure the ZPX License Server will be installed on a physical machine (Not a VM!):
        Because during the purchase of the License you have to specify the physical machine’s Locking Code, if you’ll need to move the ZPX License Server application to a different machine you’ll need to purchase a new Concurrent License (This is because each machine has a unique Locking Code) – Because of this make sure the machine you use for ZPX License Server will not be changed (The actual ZPX instances you can install in any type machine you like, physical orand VM, but their connection to the ZPX License Server will be limited only to the amount of machines specified in the ZPX License Request).

        If there is only a single ZPX user then you will need to purchase a ZPX Seat License only for the particular machine where ZPX is being installed (And also supply this machine’s Locking Code).

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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