What are the new methods in Zap-fix v14.0.22?

What are the new methods in Zap-fix v14.0.22?

Home Forums ZAPTEST Old Posts What are the new methods in Zap-fix v14.0.22?

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  • #30531
    Alisha Michaels

      Hello Zap,

      We tried using the Zap-fix v14.0.21, and we heard in the new version there are some interesting new methods – Can you please share with us the new Zap-fix version’s new methods.

      Thanks in advance.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello AlishaM,

        Thank-you for your interest in ZPX (Zap-fix) new version .0.22.

        Here is a list of the new methods:

        Application.Swipe int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, Optional int msSpeed (Default = 1500), Optional bool Report (Default = true)

        Object.SwipteTo ZapObject swipeDestinationObject, Optional int msSpeed (Default = 1500)

        Object.Exist Optional int msTimeOut (Default = 45000), Optional bool Report (Default = true)

        Object.Click Optional int X (Default = middle of obj), Optional int Y (Default = middle of obj), Optional int msClickLength (Default = random from 1 to 100ms)

        Object.GetAverageColorName – return value = name of color string

        Object.CompareAverageColorName string ColorName, Optional int Precision (Default = 85)

        • zapSwipe is available only for Application and View objects
        • zapSwipeTo available for Objects, lists and tables
        • argument ‘Report’ is available for most methods. True = step will be reported, False = step will not be reported. Default value = True.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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