WaitUntil object is present/visible

WaitUntil object is present/visible

Home Forums Ask Expert WaitUntil object is present/visible

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  • #31323
    Shubhangi Shingade

      I was looking for a tool which can automation win, Mac, android, iOS apps and found ZapTest. It is super easy to setup and work with.
      I would like to know if Zaptest provide WaitUntil a specific object is visible on screen ?
      Also How can I test apps, which require rebooting machines ?

      Any help regarding thesis questions is appreciated.


      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello Shubhangi. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.

        To wait until object visible on the screen you can specify Exist method with long timeout.
        See “Exist” method parameters in tooltip, you can set it up for a really long timeout up to 9223372036854775807 milliseconds.

        Hope that helps.

        ZAPTEST Team.

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