URL validation

URL validation

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  • #32663
    Sunil Ganta

      I want to know what method will be used to validate the navigated URL

      For Instance: http://www.amazon.com will be the home screen, thereby, I will be navigating to multiple screens than the URL will be “www.amazon.in/bestsellers/Electronics/ mobile/iphone8” so what will be the method to check whether it is a valid navigation path or not?

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello sunil.ganta,

        Basically there are 2 ways you can check and validate URLs in ZAPTEST:

        1. Use the ZAPTEST build-in “URL Scanner” (Appears in the upper-right icons’ toolbar):
        In it you can specify the main parent URL and by clicking on the Scan button the tool will navigate and run itself through all of the child URLs and other sub-URLs which branch from the main parent URL;
        When it will finish you can click on the “Export to HTML” button and generate its final report, this report will show you all valid URLs and all URLs which have different issues in them.

        2. Scan only once a certain valid page using the ZAPTEST GUI Map;
        Specify conditions to check all required URLs (Please note in ZAPTEST Free Edition you cannot use Loops), before entering the condition use the SetProperty method to update the “regexpwndtitle” property during runtime using code such as:
        Application(“Application”).SetProperty “regexpwndtitle”, Expected title of the new URL (Can use also Regular Expression)
        Then use a condition such as this one to check if the URL’s page is valid:
        If Application(“Application”).Exist Then

        Hope this helps.

        ZAPTEST Team

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