UNREAL dropdown menu problem

UNREAL dropdown menu problem

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  • #32011
    Ju Ki

      I am using right now ZapTest in Unreal and it works fine, when it comes to simple testcases, but what I noticed now is that ZapTest has problems in Unreal when it comes to Dropdown menus.

      I made everything like explained in the video and boards. I marked the windown and linked it to drop down menu, but when I always run the test Unreal or ZapTest closes directly the dropdown menu before the automation could choose something from the menu. I just simply want that ZapTest opens the drop-down-menu and choose one of the options there but it will close it directly.

      Tried it with mouse move; dbclick and other option that have the same result.

      So does anyone here has expirence with Unreal and ZapTest? Is there a workaround or something and thank you for your help

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello scum4you,

        Please check the following tutorial video to help you with the drop-down menus:

        Lists and Tables

        If you wish the test will directly select already a know value into the drop-down without open it and scroll for data you can use the following workaround (To understand each method’s attributes you can see its tooltips right after you select it):
        Application(“Application”).View(“View”).Object(“Object Name”). Type “Value you wish to select{ENTER}”, 1, False

        Hope this helps.

        For more help on using ZAPTEST please refer to our Beginner Tutorial at:


        Also you can check our extensive videos’ documentation at:

        ZAPTEST Team

        Ju Ki

          Thank you for your help I will try it out directly hopefully it will help but thx a lot already 🙂

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