unable to use method type for popup input dialog

unable to use method type for popup input dialog

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    ann Le

      Need help, I am unable to use method type for popup dialog input required

      Sergey ZAP

        Hello akiwa_98,

        Please try the following steps:

        1. Scan your popup dialog using different Application object.

        2. (if Step 1 does not help) In the Application object set property Activate Window=False.

        ann Le

          another dial bubble / dialog report failure even though the cell click is correct but the respond is not and it is hard to debug. I want to type “4289#”
          ‘Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell 2,1
          ‘Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell 1,2
          ‘Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell 3,3
          ‘Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell 3,2
          ‘Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell 4,3
          Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell “4”
          Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell “2”
          Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell “9”
          Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell “8”
          Application(“winConXapp”).View(“incorrectPIN”).Object(“iKeyPad”).Table(“KeyPad_table”).ClickCell “#”

          Sergey ZAP

            Please explain what your issue is.
            Does it click the keys 4289# correctly? Does it loose focus of the dialog after that? What do you do in steps 361, 362?

            ann Le

              Yes, visually look correct but the result show difference and the response of my application is also incorrect. step361 and 362 is after the key 4298# was clicked the keypad should also disappeared check condition.

              Sergey ZAP

                You said that response of your application is incorrect. Does it mean the keys clicked are incorrect? If so, please consider clicking on table cells using row and column instead of cell text (ie. ‘ClickCell 2,1’ instead of ‘ClickCell “4”‘).
                To verify that the Dial dialog disappears you can use NotExist method (applied to any object inside the dialog).

                ann Le

                  I did also try the ClickCell 2,1 but got the same result as ClickCell “4” don’t know why but when I look at the execution the steps and mouse click are all correct

                  Thank you for the NotExist Method — I will try. Thanks again,

                  ann Le

                    Can you give me the example of NotExist method — I did not see this method is available in the document. Thanks

                    Sergey ZAP

                      Also this can be timing issue – ZAPTEST may click keys to fast. Try to add 1 second WAIT step between clicks (wait 1).

                      NotExist method:
                      Application(“Application”).View(“View”).Object(“Test1”).NotExist – this will wait/check that the object is not visible on AUT. The step fails if the object is still visible after timeout.

                      ann Le

                        Work for popup dialog (after ((if Step 1 does not help) In the Application object set property Activate Window=False.) but having other issue that the active windows now can not make it active after other windows display on top. Please help! Thanks

                        Sergey ZAP

                          You should use “Activate Window=False” only for the pop-up dialog. The main window application object should have this property equal “true”.

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