Unable to identify the objects of CEF sharp app

Unable to identify the objects of CEF sharp app

Home Forums Ask Expert Unable to identify the objects of CEF sharp app

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Kirill Bulatnikov.
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  • #31604
    vishi Gupta

      I am getting object recognization issue while automating application which is developed in CEPsharp and view.js.
      Instead of specific field or button, it is recognizing the whole page as an image and not showing the specific Id’s for the same.

      let me know if specific setting we need to do to perform actions on CEP sharp applications.

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello vishi.gupta. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.
        Are you having problem during application scan, right?
        Can you attach a screenshot of the application gui and we will try to understand what may be wrong.

        ZAPTEST Team.

        vishi Gupta


          I can’t add the screenshot of the actual application due to security reason but I am adding the demo which uses the same technology and having the same problem.


          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Hello Vishi
            Can you explain either you have problem during application scan or during ZAPTEST script execution?
            And this demo script – are you trying to execute it with ZAPTEST or just to scan it via ZAPTEST?

            ZAPTEST Team

            vishi Gupta

              I am trying to first scan the application, once I get the object using the scanner, I am using the same object for writing and execution of the script .

              In this case, i am getting the object as img and it is using coordinates to clicking on the certain object instead I require the stable object(id,CSS etc) for the stable script.


              Kirill Bulatnikov

                Is it your first attempt with ZAPTEST?
                Looks like you trying to use improper methods for the script. ZAPTEST can only manipulate with graphical object as it based on the optical object recognition. It is not possible to use object classes, ids etc. It is slightly different way then many other test automation tools.

                So you need to scan exact (final) gui and manipulate with objects recognized there.
                Please refer User Tutorial:


                Probably it will give you more clear idea how to utilize ZAPTEST functionality for your purposes.

                ZAPTEST Team.

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