Hello testapplicationthree,
Thank you for choosing ZAP.
1. The creation of an automated test in ZAPTEST is extremely simple and consists of scanning automatically the GUI of the AUT (Application Under Test), adding the objects and their required methods to the test and then run it by using the Run button which is exactly as the Play button you’ve mentioned.
2. You can do it by placing conditions for executing specific testcases, using data driven or event driven ways to execute the conditions.
3. After creating the required testcases for each business process you can create a drive test which will combine calls for all testcases and will behave as a testsuite for the specific added testcases.
4. After creating the drive test I’ve mentioned in #3 you can use the M-RUN feature to connect any machinedevice (PC, VM, Mobile, etc) to it and run the drive test in the connected machines simultaneously (You can also use the ZAPFARM management application to connect and manage all your machinesdevices you wish to use for testing).
Please download the ZAPTEST Free Edition and see how easy it is to use at: