
submenu click and read popup message content

submenu click and read popup message content

Home Forums Ask Expert submenu click and read popup message content

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Valentin ZAP.
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  • #30960
    hari babu

      Dear support team,
      1. i am unable to click sub-menus, please help me and see the attachment


      Note: Observed today: while clicking and navigating to page by page is not reflecting visually but the results are showing as passed…
      2. while clicking on insert button,a popup will be opened as confirmation message, how to read that popup message (attached screen shot)

      Appropriate for sharing sample code to refer both scenarios…

      Valentin ZAP

        Hello Hari Chennareddy!

        For clicking on menu item you should use related object or text object (with or without Area object). For detection popup dialog you should find some specific to this dialog text or image object and use Exist method. Also you could create special view for this dialog.

        We created simple test where we open notepad.exe application, click on help menu item and then about item, check the popup dialog, click OK button and finally close the application. Execution takes 3 seconds on our test environment.

        Also you could find some information and code examples on our tutorial page: https://www.zaptest.com/tutorial

        Hope this will help you!

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