Simulate a GPS position

Simulate a GPS position

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  • #32790
    Marco Malziotti

      Good evening
      I wanted to know if there is the possibility (with or without script) to indicate a GPS position to the app other than the one received by the position sensor.
      I use ZapTest version 21.0.9
      Thanks for the support.

      Marco Malziotti

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello marco.malziotti,

        Basically yes.
        Using ZAPTEST you can execute such public web sites as to get GPS coordinates for a specific location, saving the position coordinators’ to different variables which then you can copy their content to the app you wish to share the GPS position in it (You will need to scan both the GPS locator page and your app to use their Views in the same ZAPTEST based test).

        Hope this helps.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Marco Malziotti

          I will try to explain myself better.
          My device is located in Rome (lat: 41.8912170, lon: 12.491546), but I have to perform a test as if it were in Milan (lat: 45.476542, lon: 9.172399). Is there any ZapTest method that takes me to Milan without having to move?
          Thank you

          Marco Malziotti

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