Server Response

Server Response

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  • #31366
    Asif Qureshi

      Hi ZAPTEST Team,

      Your doing very well. I have question regarding server response. i have a login screen and welcome page is come like 13 seconds. it could be possible welcome page will be come in 13 seconds or above 13 seconds. if i set wait 13. it is work perfectly until 13 seconds. if welcome screen is come around 7 seconds then my script is wait until 13 seconds. So i want to know how we can handle this wait state. we ever server is respond either it is less or more. i don’t want to wait till 13 seconds.
      I hope you understand my problem.

      Please see the below code:
      Application(“Application”).View(“View 4”).Object(“User Name”).Type (“abc”)
      Application(“Application”).View(“View 4”).Object(“Image Object 6”).Click
      Application(“Application”).View(“View 4”).Object(“Image Object 6”).Type (“August2017”)
      Application(“Application”).View(“View 4”).Object(“Log On”).Click
      Wait 10


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello aqu,

        If you want to continue your test the moment the Welcome page appears you need to do 2 things:
        1. Add to the ZAPTEST Object Repository an object which represents mostly the Welcome page (For example, if a “Welcome” string appears this can be such object), this object ZAPTEST should find without any problems during runtime.
        2. Set the following condition:

        If Application(“App”).View(“View”).Object(“Welcome”).Exist Then
        Application(“App”).CustomReport True, “Welcome Success”, “The Welcome page appeared as expected.”, True
        Application(“App”).CustomReport False, “Welcome Error”, “The Welcome page did not appear.”, True
        End If

        You can set a waiting time till the Exist method will fail at the Tools -> Options -> Runtime -> Global Timeout (Its value is set in miliseconds).

        ZAPTEST Team

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