script not giving desired run on firefox

script not giving desired run on firefox

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  • #30993
    abhinav kumar

      The attached script is for a flight booking website. It runs well on Chrome. But on Firefox it is not able to select the TO and FROM cities. As a result the flight list is not getting displayed on Firefox while it is displayed on Chrome

      Please help me on this.


      Valentin ZAP

        Hello, Abhinavmalviya1992!

        We have found 2 problems in your script:
        1. Wrong logic when you work with input objects
        2. JS events don’t work on Firefox browser

        Problem #1:
        Unfortunately we cannot use text input controls as-is in your example: because white squares don’t carry on information about the object (the entropy is 1). Instead of this we should create and use related objects. (Please, check our Tutorials).

        What we should do in your case:
        1. First we should define “From” and “To” objects with text: “From:” and “To:”. Also we should set Recognition type to “OCR Partial”, Appereance: “Best Match”.
        2. Then we should set for your objects (“textfrom”, “textto”) related objects and use them in your script. NOTE: you should add them again to your script-editor.

        Problem #2:
        To select the destinations in your web-based application we could use enter keyword, but Firefox doesn’t show “Destination List” when we use Type command. We are working on improvements.

        To fix this problem we can use KeyPress method and send two symbols after the input text: space (to activate firefox JS) and enter key (to select the destination)

        We also added “wait 1” command for waiting the list. But we recommend to use “Exist” method for such synchronisations.

        Our version of script is attached.

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

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