Screen Control Recognition Issues

Screen Control Recognition Issues

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  • #31528
    Bruce Spring

      The Add_Cycle_Team_View’s Add button is never clicked. The Save and Cancel buttons are when coded such. The script command to click the Add button doesn’t even move the mouse cursor. The mouse cursor stays where it was when it selects the item in the combo box. I have tried relating the Add button to the lblTitleBar with equal failure to click.

      Also the 1st two names in the expanded combo box do not select. The other four do always.

      I have been trying to get this to work for hours. I even re-scanned the page.

      Had to change the extension to .txt since I cannot include a .csv file.

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hi Bruce, thanks for your questions.

        See my comments below in red

        [quote=”bruce.spring” post=4561]The Add_Cycle_Team_View’s Add button is never clicked. The Save and Cancel buttons are when coded such. The script command to click the Add button doesn’t even move the mouse cursor. The mouse cursor stays where it was when it selects the item in the combo box. I have tried relating the Add button to the lblTitleBar with equal failure to click.
        “Add” and “Remove” has additional symbols in the same string. So to make it work you need to set either “Add->” / “<-Remove" text or set OCR Partial recognition.

        Also the 1st two names in the expanded combo box do not select. The other four do always.

        [b][color=#ff0000]I think it is because you have been using “Select” as a parent object and probably it uses 2nd “Select” instead of 1st. Try set “Appearance” property for “Select” to “By Order” and set it to 1.
        Also in the view “Remove_Cycle_Team_View” I can see you was using “List” object type without relative object. Please note that List need to be related to some object to be placed properly.[/color][/b]

        I have been trying to get this to work for hours. I even re-scanned the page.

        Had to change the extension to .txt since I cannot include a .csv file.[/quote]

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team

        Bruce Spring

          Set “recognition type” to “OCR (Partial)” and still fails. I expanded the btnAdd objects area to include the “->” and tried with the recognition type set to “OCR (Single)” and then “OCR (Partial)”. Still can’t find it.
          The mouse cursor doesn’t move from its list box select.

          Going to try the List box now. It is not that big of an issue as I only want to select 2 of the items anyway. But I will follow your recommendations


          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Bruce, thanks for feedback

            We find the reason of the problem with Add/Remove buttons within your script.
            Seems like it is due to decimal separator – dot or comma – it fails Gamma property (as gamma value is not 1 but 1.013) and thus object can’t be found. We will include full compatibility between both in next release. At the moment WA for you is to re-create these 2 objects (also 2 same objects presented in Remove_Cycle_Team_View) or right-click to the gamma property to set it to default (=1).

            Hope that helps.

            ZAPTEST Team

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