Scannig Error : Zoe OCR error .

Scannig Error : Zoe OCR error .

Home Forums Ask Expert Scannig Error : Zoe OCR error .

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Valentin ZAP.
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  • #31641
    Ermioni Kritsinioti


      How can I solve this error ?

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello e.krits1993,

        Are you using a machine which is compatible with ZAPTEST(?) – These are the System Requirements for ZAPTEST:
        • OS: Windows 7 or higher
        • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
        • RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
        • Hard disk space: 1.5 GB
        • Libraries:
        o .Net Framework 4.7.1
        If the above is correct for you try to reinstall ZAPTEST (It is best to do it if you are the Administrator of the machine):
        Uninstall ZAPTEST completely and then install it again, after doing so restart your machine, if the issue repeats itself there is a possibility your ZAPTEST installation file got corrupted in such case you’ll need to download again ZAPTEST.

        Please let us know if the above solved your issue.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Ermioni Kritsinioti

          Hello there,

          I did try all of the things mentioned and my machine is compatible with the program’s features.

          Is there anything I did not try?

          Should I install it in a different folder?

          Kind regards

          Valentin ZAP

            Hello E.Krits1993!

            It seems like ZAPTEST cannot load one or few libraries from x86 folder. Could you try to reinstall ZAPTEST?

            1. Uninstall current version
            2. Reboot your PC
            3. Install again

            If you still have an issue or you already tried the first step. Could you copy all files from “C:Program Files (x86)ZAP-fiXStandalonex86” to “C:Program Files (x86)ZAP-fiXStandalone” folder? Please CLOSE ZAPTEST before doing this operation.

            Does it help?

            If not – could you try execute attached script and show errors? This script opens in a chrome browser, detects 2 objects (OCR and Image based) and then closes browser.

            Thank you,
            ZAPTEST Team

            Ermioni Kritsinioti

              Hello there.

              1. I did the following and did not work:
              Uninstall current version
              Reboot your PC
              Install again

              2. f you still have an issue or you already tried the first step. Could you copy all files from “C:Program Files (x86)ZAP-fiXStandalonex86” to “C:Program Files (x86)ZAP-fiXStandalone” folder? Please CLOSE ZAPTEST before doing this operation.(Did not work)

              3. Run the script and gave the following.

              In option number 2, was I suppose to delete x86 folder after copy & paste action?
              In option number 3, this is the error I could find and Chrome browser did not close as it was supposed to. .

              Is there anything else I can do ??

              Thank you for your time and effort.

              Valentin ZAP

                Hello E.Krits1993! Thank you for your time and help to make ZAPTEST better!

                In option number two you suppose to copy the folder without removing content.

                Could you provide full information about your OS? Version Build, version of installed .NET library and C++ Redistributable packages (you can find this information in “Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features”). You could attach a screenshot(s) with erasing other apps info.

                Another question is – could you replicate this problem/issue on other machine?

                It seems there are some kind of problem with C++ Redistributable package. As an option could you also try to install the latest VC 2015 Redist package: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

                Thank you,
                ZAPTEST Team

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