QTP does not recognize objects

QTP does not recognize objects

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  • #30543
    Hogan Rotem

      Hello Zap,

      My application contains pages with maps, landmarks, and other features which QTP does not recognize (Such as different location on the map which can be clicked) – Does Zap-fix can help me automate and test such map view?

      Thanks in advance.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello HoRotem,

        Thank-you for your question.

        ZPX (Short for Zap-fix) was designed specifically for any automation difficulties, such as objects’ recognition issues that you have;
        ZPX is an Add-in for HP QTP which perfecting QTP’s automation abilities for all possible functional testing requirements.
        ZPX can capture any appeared feature in the application no matter what its status is, its appearance, its location in the UI, and its functionality.
        Based on the above ZPX can recognize all the objects which QTP cannot recognize without ZPX, and with ZPX you will be able to recognize without any problems all the maps objects.
        You can try the ZPX Evaluation app, please contact to http://www.zaptechnologies.com/contact-us.


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