Object not getting recognised-Text field

Object not getting recognised-Text field

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  • #32152
    vikram d

      I am trying to automate the windows application using zaptest. But the zaptest is unable to recognise the text field object in the windows application.
      I have tried it with maximize the application even though I am unable to identify the big text field area. I have typed the area in the text field where zaptest unable to locate mentioned in the word document in second screenshot. Can you help me in sorting out this issue.

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hi dvikram004. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.

        As I understand the only issue is “UPDATE” object, right?
        In fact I was able to detect this object, see screenshot attached.


        You may try also to restart ZAPTEST or reboot your PC – sometimes when the windows is slowing down a bit it may affect to OCR performance.
        Another thing is try to create manual object with text UPDATE and try to check it with Exist method on the real application. Then see in the results if the correct one found. You can use Highlight method as well to see your object highlighted during script execution.

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team.

        vikram d

          Hi kirillb
          All the button in the windows applications are identified correctly. I am mentioning about the big text field where i have to type. The zap test is not getting detecting that particular fields. If require i will share the exe application.But i can send it to your email.

          vikram d

            Hi kirillb
            All the button in the windows applications are identified correctly. I am mentioning about the big text field where i have to type. The zap test is not getting detecting that particular fields. If require i will share the exe application.But i can send it to your email. I have type the content in one text field, that big field only its not getting recognized, which i have attached in the previous comments.

            Kirill Bulatnikov

              Hey dvikram004
              Thanks for explanation

              So I re-checked and was able to recognize the text you are talking about either

              If you are willing to put many text there and it will not fit the single line then select OCR Multiline for this object.

              While scan your screenshot I had issues with auto-recognition of upper objects as of “Total Records:” and “File No:”. However fine tuning of the object properties make me able to have it recognized perfectly – you may see screen shot above. And below you can find the properties for these objects – it was important to adjust text color, color tolerance and gamma due to low contrast between text and blue background. Here is the adjusted properties. You can try it by your own with some different objects.


              Hope that helps.
              ZAPTEST Team.

              vikram d

                I have gone through the comments you given. Even though my issue is not solved. I am mentioning about the big text field, not the label or text boxes in the application. I have type the words in big text field that “”text field is not getting recognized by zap test””. I have tried many times even though its not getting recognize. The same words mention above i have written in the text field. Other filed are getting recognized perfectly. Only i mentioning about the text field.

                Kirill Bulatnikov

                  Yes, I have seen the string “the text field unable to recognize” and as you may see on the screenshot it’s been caught by OCR engine. I did a scan from the screenshot opened in graphical editor or directly from browser – both works well. Have you tried that way? Please try that way for the experiment.

                  ZAPTEST Team.

                  vikram d

                    As you mentioned,Can you please give me step my step procedure, how you used 2 methods to get the object. So that i will try from my end, I am new to zaptest.

                    vikram d

                      I have added the software with password which i have to automate. There is no installation required for this software, just open the exe application. As mentioned in previous please let me know whether your able to recognize the big text field in the windows application. If it works please share the step by step process as well as screenshot in word doc. Actually i want to fetch large data into the text field. Please let me know as soon as possiable.

                      Valentin ZAP

                        Hello, dvikram004!

                        Unfortunately, your attachment contains Malware application and was removed from ZAPTEST servers. The checking report you can find here: http://www.virustotal.com

                        Please, recheck your application and re-upload it.

                        ZAPTEST Team.

                        Kirill Bulatnikov

                          Hello Vikram
                          Please try following. Create manually object within the view and set the Text property as a text you want to recognize in the particular field. See screenshot:

                          Then insert line to the script with Exist method applied to this manual object. If it works then you can parametrize Text property from script (by using SetProperty method) or from datatable.

                          Hope that helps.
                          ZAPTEST team.

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