Hello Marco,
Basically the web page as it appears in the Desktop web site is a bit different then as it appears in the Mobile web site:
In the Desktop site the parent objects above the “I Agree” radio-buttons appear in a single line (See attached “desktop web page.jpg” screenshot), while the same objects in the Mobile site appear each in 2 lines (See attached “mobile web page.jpg” screenshot), this means the parent object in the Desktop site will not be recognized in the Mobile site and vice-versa (And because of this the “I Agree” radio-buttons will not be found) – Therefore there is no other option but to use the condition you’ve commented in your test and set the 2 objects for each of the web pages’ origin.
Regarding the “ScrollTo” method, if you’ll have difficulties finding the required object, you can set the first attribute of the method (“Int32 delta) with a number such as (-1), this will scroll the page a bit slower and enable ZAPTEST to search the object more efficiently.
Hope this helps.