Multiple screens

Multiple screens

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Virgil Carroll.
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  • #32196
    Virgil Carroll


      I am just starting to test ZapTest to look if we could use is in some of our testing process. I am working from my home environment, where I have 3 screens. When setting up the recorder, I am selecting to record my Chrome Browser which is sitting on Screen #2. Each time I record, two things happen after complete.

      First, each view thumbnail shows all 3 screens as part of the view vs. just the one screen where my Chrome browser is.

      Second, no matter what application I select from the dropdown, it only shows what is on screen #1.

      Do you know if the recorder is only meant to be used in a single monitor scenario? Or if there is a setting I am missing to get it work the way I think it should?

      Thanks in advance.

      Valentin ZAP

        Hello, Virgil!

        Thank you for using our tool.

        1. Right now recorder records only whole screen (screens). But without recorder, you can “Scan” (or “capture” using “GUI Map”) any single application on any screen/monitor. The main purpose of the recorder to record a session, which could show the automation process for QA which is going to develop the script.

        2. Mapping is not about capturing single application, it is about mapping “Application” object properties to a certain window (class and title props).

        We are going to improve that functionality and add selecting a custom screen rectangle for doing recording in future builds.

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        Virgil Carroll

          Thanks. I thought that might be the case, but just wanted to be sure.

          Appreciate the response!

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