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  • #31196

      share me script of these two steps(step 1 &step 2) basically for edit the record and delete the record

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello nikita,

        Regarding your first question ” in this screen “B” is not scan properly ? why this problem is coming in list” please check my previous answer to you (, this is what it says:
        Basically the ZAPTEST Workbench scans a UI based on its OCR engine:
        This means if it cannot detect an object using OCR it will not scan it – You can use the GUI Map scan options to scan your UI, it has more capabilities to its objects’ capturing (See attached screenshot of a scan I made).
        Based on the above, if an object cannot be captured using scan feature you have different scripting tools in ZAPTEST to capture the object and have ZAPTEST recognize it.

        Regarding your second question:
        Basically the format of the required code will be something like:
        ‘Step 1:
        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“Delete”).Click
        Wait 2
        If Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“Cannot delete this record”).Exist Then
        Application(“Application Name”).CustomReport True, “’Cannot delete this record’ message”, “The message ‘Cannot delete this record’ appeared.”, True
        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(”Cannot delete this record “).Object(“OK”).Click
        End If

        ‘Step 2 (This steps I do not fully understand what you want to do, hope my code answers your question):
        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“Edit”).Click
        Wait 2
        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“edit the record”).Click
        Wait 2
        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“Save”).Click
        If Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“update record”).Exist Then
        Application(“Application Name”).CustomReport True, ” update record Success”, “The button update record’ appeared successfully.”, True
        Application(“Application Name”).CustomReport False, ” update record Error”, “The button update record’ did not appear.”, True
        End If

        P.S. In order to add and check the mentioned objects in Repository I need a more clear screenshot of the UI (Not from ZAPTEST) for EACH of the situations occur in the AUT.

        ZAPTEST Team


          shared you software module screens for edit &delete the record. I hope these screens help what i want

          screen 4- screen of module

          screen no.5 – when click on delete button then message coming you will see in screen , my question is that how to write the particular script for this procedure

          screen no. 6- when edit the record the -how to write the particular script for this procedure

          Sasha ZAP

            Hello nikita,

            Please check my attached script.

            P.S. Because I do not have access to the AUT I cannot witness if the actual coded steps do their expected work:
            Please use Relative objects, Area objects, or other ZAPTEST testing methods to update the objects so they will be recognized properly by ZAPTEST during the execution.

            ZAPTEST Team

            NIKITA SINGH

              Good morning , I am not able to to open previous file which given by you on Saturday , when click on this file , zap tool open only without any script, please help me how to open your script

              NIKITA SINGH

                Can you explain this script line – CustomReport False, “Record Already Exist Error”, “The message ‘Record Already Exist’ did not appear.”, True

                Note: what is the meaning of CustomReport

                Sasha ZAP

                  Hello nikita,

                  Are you using the ZAPTEST Free Edition or the Enterprise Edition?
                  If the Free Edition then please check the attached file.

                  ZAPTEST Team

                  Sasha ZAP

                    Hello nikita,

                    The “CustomReport” method enables you to send more customized report to the final test’s run results file;
                    Also it advantages upon other reports’ methods is in the fact that you do not have to use specific object (Except of the Application Object type), which may not be found by the test during runtime to generate the report.
                    Please check the “CustomReport” method’s tooltip to understand its attributes (See attached file).

                    ZAPTEST Team

                    NIKITA SINGH

                      Open successfully
                      Please also provide me script of GroupMaste…ript.zap on this ticket ., this file also not opened .Yeah i am using free edition only

                      Sasha ZAP

                        Hello nikita,

                        Please check the attached file which is the ZAPTEST Free Edition version of the original “GroupMasterTestingScript.zap” testing script:

                        ZAPTEST Team

                        NIKITA SINGH

                          I want to be discuss
                          1. how to find out the bugs in software – scan the module mention all procedure how software working but i want to run the software then automatically found bugs report with location is it possible from zap tool

                          NIKITA SINGH

                            how i can found the bug from from zaptest tool in short time

                            Sasha ZAP

                              Hello nikita,

                              I did not fully understand the question you’ve posted in this link:
                              Is this last post the same actual question?

                              Regarding this post’s question:
                              I understand you wish to know how ZAPTEST can locate bugs in your AUT (Application Under Test), correct?
                              If yes then basically there are several ways to do it:
                              1. Check that the “Show error when the object not found…” checkbox (Tools -> Options -> Runtime) is checked:
                              This will show an error during runtime if ZAPTEST will not recognize (locate) specific object in the AUT.

                              2. Use condition (If Then) on specific objects with the method “Exist” to check if certain expected object exists.

                              3. Scan different message-boxes in your AUT (If such appear whenever there is a bug in AUT) and add them as new Views to the Repository, then add conditions in the test (If then) to check if certain message-box appear then send a message to the test’s final report and also execute any action which is required (Such as clicking on a button).

                              Hope this helps.

                              ZAPTEST Team

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