Microsoft Edge datatable

Microsoft Edge datatable

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  • #31069
    Effa Nasa


      I’m new to zaptest.. Currently trying free edition of zaptest and learning from the tutorial given.
      I want to add Microsoft edge browser into my datatable in my script, but it have error. What should I named it, I have try with edge and microsoftedge. All chrome, firefox, opera and safari is working fine. :dry:

      Valentin ZAP

        Good morning, Effaezn88!

        Current version of ZAPTEST doesn’t have shortcut for launching edge browser. It means that after launching browser you should update “Application” properties. See my example how to launch edge browser:

        Application("Application").Launch "microsoft-edge:"
        Application("Application").SetProperty "regexpwndclass", "ApplicationFrameWindow"
        Application("Application").SetProperty "regexpwndtitle", "ZAPTEST"
        wait 3

        “ApplicationFrameWindow” is const. Your should update only “regexpwndtitle” option. Usually you could keep it empty.

        You could apply this example to your datatable. ZAPTEST Team will add shortcut for edge browser in future release.

        If Datatable.Value("browser") = "microsoft-edge" Then
        Application("Application").Launch Datatable.Value("browser") & ":http://" & Datatable.Value("url")
        Application("Application").SetProperty "regexpwndclass", "ApplicationFrameWindow"
        Application("Application").SetProperty "regexpwndtitle", ""
        Application("Application").Launch Datatable.Value("browser"), Datatable.Value("url")
        End If

        wait 3

        Script is attached.

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        Effa Nasa

          Hi AndreySh,

          I have try your code and its works. I also have update the zaptest and now can just simply using edge without added the code.
          But Im just curious why the result showing fails when im try to open in edge.

          Anyway thanks for your help. 🙂

          Valentin ZAP

            Good morning, Effaezn88!

            Sorry for the long reply. This was fixed a couple month ago. Now you should use the same logic as for other browser’s.

            Application("Application").Launch "edge", "http://...your...url..."

            Thank you,
            ZAPTEST Team

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