Hello Marco,
I’ve tried to execute the test but got a “403 Forbidden” error.
Basically in your test I’ve noticed that you tried to use an Area object, which may work for you to find the required line of data, but you did one major mistake:
You cannot set Area’s parent object as a dynamic object which its Properties’ values change during runtime, as you are doing in this command:
Application(“SystemConsole”).View(“MultipleChoiceFromList2”).Object(“lblLabel”).SetProperty “Text”,”Drop off DMS'”
In order ZAPTEST will locate the Area object, its parent object must be a static object which ZAPTEST will recognize quickly in the app, meaning:
The “lblLabel” object must have already in its Text properties the “Drop off DMS'” text BEFORE the test gets executed (You can set a unique “lblLabel” object such as “lblDropofDMSLabel”).Therefore you cannot use the above mentioned command for an Area object’s parent.
But you DO able to set properties’ values during runtime to the Area’s child object – Therefore such command is correct:
Application(“SystemConsole”).View(“MultipleChoiceFromList2”).Object(“lblLabel”).Area(“areaList”).Object(“lblUnselected”).SetProperty “Text”,drfDms
Hope this helps.