
Manual Testing with ZAP-fiX

Manual Testing with ZAP-fiX

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  • #30409
    ZAP Technologies

      [size=150:intm3hub][color=#BF0000:intm3hub]ZAP-fiX for Manual Testers[/color:intm3hub][/size:intm3hub]

      ZAP-fiX extends manual testing, offering ergonomic methods to test on external platforms with ZAP-fiX Viewer. One of the main challenges of manual testing is to perform end-user steps on real devices. Companies have limited hardware resources if they need to test on Mac or Unix. ZAP-fiX Viewer enables manual testing teams to access devices remotely (mobile devices or work stations) and use them as hardware in the Cloud. Specifically, in the case of mobile testing. ZPX offers manual testers the luxury of using an ergonomic friendly environment with a full keyboard, mouse, and monitor to interact with the real device under test in real time.

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