List object and the UI difference on different OS

List object and the UI difference on different OS

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  • #31610
    Savita Kolhe

      Hi ZAPTEST Team,

      I am facing following two issues.

      1. Detecting drop down item which is added newly in the pull down list. I made a list object on the mock-up as per attached screen(zaptest1.bmp).
      How can I continue with same mock-ups and that list object or do i need to again take a separate screenshot along with newly added item and continue further? We are not using Indexing but directly finding the list-item by name.

      2. My Script does not run on other Operating Systems as our application UI differs in look and feel on 2008 server machines. The Same script I could run successfully on windows10 and windows2012.

      please see the app screens in attached file ‘zaptest2.bmp’

      Kindly please do the needful.


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello savita_kolhe,

        1. In order to checkselect string in a drop-down list the best way to do it is just type the string into the drop-down, then if the string does exist it will be selected:
        To do such you’ll need to specify simple object (not a list object) in the first visible drop-down line (Which normally appear before we click on the drop-down), and type the expected string in it, then by using the “GetText” method you can check status of this object.

        2. In order to run same test cross-platforms you have to have the exact same scanned View in all platforms’ UI:
        If there is a platform which the application UI page different from the scanned one you have to create a new View with the different page as well, and by using the method “GetPlatformName” (Application(“Application Name”).GetPlatformName) you can create a condition (If…Then statement) which will check what is your OS name and based on its finding it will use the correct View.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Savita Kolhe

          Hi ZAPTEST Team,

          I am facing facing issue on locating the existing buttons due to adding one note in nearby area of the button on UI.per attached file ‘zaptest3.bmp’
          please guide if I need to capture the screen again and do the whole scripting or any option is available here.

          Kindly please do the needful.


          Savita Kolhe

            Hi ZAPTEST Team,

            I am facing an issue on locating the existing buttons due to adding one note in nearby area of the button on UI .per attached file ‘zaptest3.bmp’
            please guide if I need to capture the screen again and do the whole scripting or any option is available here.

            Kindly please do the needful.


            Sasha ZAP

              Hello savita_kolhe,

              Basically yes, if there is a new added object in a UI (In your case the new added note) you should add a new View with this new object to your test’s Object Repository by doing a Scan GUI on this page.

              Hope this helps.

              ZAPTEST Team

              Savita Kolhe

                Hi ZAPTEST Team,

                I am looking for opening the .zre file received in auto-generated mail from Zaptest tool after the automation execution.
                Looking for option/solution to open the result file attached in auto-generated mail.

                Kindly please do the needful.


                Sasha ZAP

                  Hello savita_kolhe,
                  This is a result file from ZAPTEST, to open it you should have installed ZAPTEST copy on a computer in which you wish to open the file.
                  ZAPTEST Team

                  Savita Kolhe

                    Hi ZAPTEST team,

                    I am looking for reading all rows value and inputting in my application using imported excel sheet.
                    Could you please suggest how to read and add all rows values in a loop for attached code using sheet.


                    Savita Kolhe

                      Hi ZAPTEST team,

                      I am looking for reading all rows value and inputting in my application using imported excel sheet.
                      Could you please suggest how to read and add all rows values in a loop for attached code using attached sheet.


                      Sasha ZAP

                        Hello savita_kolhe,

                        In order to import and use external Excel file in your test you need to do the following:
                        This is an example for a code which imports Excel’s Spreadsheet and use the method “Type” to type a string from the column “A” of the imported Spreadsheet in a text-field:

                        ZAP.Datatable.ImportExcel “Full directory + Name of Excel file.xls”, “A”
                        Application(“Application Name”).View(“View Name”).Object(“Object Name”).Type Datatable.Value(“A”), 0, False
                        ZAP.Iteration = ZAP.Iteration + 1
                        Loop Until Datatable.Value(“A”) = “”

                        In the “ImportExcel” method you can use only the Excel file name without its full directory and this is by making sure the Excel file will reside in the same directory where the testing script will be saved.

                        Please note in ZAPTEST Free Edition you cannot use loop methods (Such as, “Do”, “While”, For…Next”, etc), and also you will be able to import only up to 4 rows of data from a Spreadsheet.
                        In order to use the full ZAPTEST looping and Excel import features you will need to have ZAPTEST Enterprise Edition installed.

                        Hope this helps.

                        ZAPTEST Team

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