Linux automation

Linux automation

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  • #32596
    Mohammed Ghouse

      How to connect the linux machine and automate the linux applications.

      Kindly provide the detailed steps for the above .

      Sergey ZAP

        Hello Mohammed!
        ZAPTEST uses VNC protocol to connect to a remote Linux machine.
        This video guides through VNC server installation process:

        After that use the ZAP Viewer to connect to your Linux box:

        After connecting run your Linux application, use ZAPTEST to scan the ZAP Viewer, and build your test script.

        Mohammed Ghouse

          Hi Sergey,

          Thanks for your immediate response. We have followed the instruction and completed installation, but after connecting to Linux machine through zap-view from windows machine empty screen is coming. PFA taken in windows 10 machine.

          Mohammed Ghouse

          Sergey ZAP

            Your Linux likely has few displays, and the VNC server started on a wrong one.
            Check the below commands. Hope this helps.

            ps -ef|grep vnc “to see vnc related processes”
            vncserver -kill :1 “to kill vnc server on display #1”
            vncserver :2 “to start vnc server on display #2”

            Mohammed Ghouse

              Tried these commands. Only VNC server 2 is running in Linux machine now, but the same blank screen is coming in zap-viewer. please do the needful.

              Sergey ZAP

                Please try to use different vnc server – x11vnc.
                This server allows remote access to an existing X session.
                Here are the X11VNC instructions:
                1. Install x11vnc package:
                sudo apt-get install x11vnc
                2. Start VNC Server (in terminal):
                x11vnc -passwd pass
                3. Connect using “ZAP Viewer”

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