Issue logging onto ZapTEst

Issue logging onto ZapTEst

Home Forums Ask Expert Issue logging onto ZapTEst

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  • #32452
    Anil Patel

      Error received when trying to log onto new account

      Valentin ZAP

        Hello Anil Patel!

        Could you provide information about the version of ZAPTEST? Did you try to install the latest one?

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        Anil Patel

          Yes I did install the only version available from your website for new registrants.

          Furthermore, I today also got a licence key and set it for a seat licence but got another error . see attached. I must say, I’m not at all impressed with the software so far, plus the support in getting up and running. I hope something can be sorted very soon, otherwise I will lose the will to carry on. 🙁 Also, I don’t understand what each of your Topic Items mean on this forum tool. It would be good to get a yellow hover to describe.

          Valentin ZAP

            Hello Anil Patel!

            We completely understand you, and we are trying our best to resolve your issue. If you have an enterprise license key, please contact directly your personal ZAPTEST manager.

            As for community edition, we cannot emulate your issue in our lab, and so on we need your help to resolve the problem:

            1. Do you use any proxy servers? Could you try to disable them or check configuration?
            2. Could you try to change your password on our website: try to set up a “simple” password (only for checking the issue), probably some firewall or traffic inspector cannot translate some symbols. Please don’t forget to change your password back (to a strong one).

            Thank you,
            ZAPTEST Team

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