Importing Datatable Excel spreadsheets from ALM

Importing Datatable Excel spreadsheets from ALM

Home Forums ZAPTEST Best Practices Importing Datatable Excel spreadsheets from ALM

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  • #30795
    Valentin ZAP

      If you have a need to import Excel spreadsheet into your ZAPTEST datatable from ALM project:

      1. Make sure you have the most updated ZAPTEST version
      2. Establish ALM Connection through ALM Menu in ZAPTEST
      3. Use the following syntax in script to import the excel file from ALM:

      Datatable.ImportExcel "[QualityCenter] SubjectSergio Test FolderAutomationRuntime.xls"

      If you would like to import a specific spreadsheet from the excel file, simply use secondary parameter:
      Datatable.ImportExcel "[QualityCenter] SubjectSergio Test FolderAutomationRuntime.xls", "Spreadsheet 1"

      See the attached test case

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