How Zap-fix different from UFT v12?

How Zap-fix different from UFT v12?

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  • #30541
    Jack Smith

      Hello Zap,

      In UFT v12 there is a new feature named "Insight Recording" which captures, just like Zap-fix, images during recording phase, and manages to test applications that UFTQTP has problems to identify its objects otherwise:
      We believe in general this is what Zap-fix does, so why Zap-fix is better then the UFT v12 new feature?


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello JSmith,

        Thank-you for your question.

        There are several advantages of ZPX (Zap-fix) upon the new UFT v12 solution:

        1. In ZPX you do not need to use recording to capture objects (You only scan the GUI), which make it easier to capture objects.

        2. In ZPX there is much more flexibility to update each objects’ properties.

        3. ZPX is much cheaper then UFT app.

        4. ZPX has a UFTQTP Add-in which can increase the variety of automation in UFTQTP.

        5. ZPX does the same as UFTQTP and much more.

        6. ZPX can be customize very quickly to the needs of specific clients (Such customization as to enable its testing upon different languages), while in UFTQTP the customization is being done once in a while (When publishing new HotFix or Patch) and cannot be related to a specific clients needs.

        7. ZPX proved to be the only solution for testing platforms such as: Mac, Mobile Devices, Unix, etc (This is also based on HP).

        8. ZPX is the only testing tool which can run same testing script on variety of platforms.

        9. ZPX is the only reliable solution for testing in the cloud.

        Please visit Zap web-site ( to read more.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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