How to test icon,text-box, label ,etc size?

How to test icon,text-box, label ,etc size?

Home Forums Ask Expert How to test icon,text-box, label ,etc size?

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  • #31271
    Saurabh Jain

      I want to write test-case to check object’s size.
      For this can you please clarify below queries,
      1. How to test icon,text-box, label ,etc size is according to specification?
      2. How to get and compare object’s coordinate property?


      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello, thanks for using ZAPTEST

        Objects in ZAPTEST has “Coordinates” property. See screenshot 1.
        You can validate position of the object on the screen based on X and Y coordinates and validate object size based on Width and Height.

        To get the value of the property you can use method “GetProperty”. For example to get value of X-coordinate of the object you need to do following command:
        Application(“your_application”).View(“your_view”).Object(“object_you_want_to_validate”).GetProperty “X”
        And you can set Y, Width or Height instead of X for other coordinate values.

        If you get value of the property of the object prior to it recognition on the screen – you will get value from repository.
        If you get value of the property of the object after object recognition, for example do “Exist” method for that object first – you will get value from real application. Thus you are able to compare between repository template and real object.

        While you are using Free edition you need to make this comparison every time you need it whereas in Enterprise version you may create a function for it and simply call for this function each time.

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team

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