How to slide mobile screen?

How to slide mobile screen?

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  • #30631
    Alisha Michaels

      Hello Zap,

      We have Zap-fix v14 the standalone version, and we having problems automating the sliding of a mobile screen.

      Please explain to us how do we do it in Zap-fix.


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello AlishaM,

        Basically there are 2 options in ZPX (Zap-fix) to swipe (slideroll) the mobile’s screens from one place to a different place:
        1. Using the "SwipteTo" method, its format is:
        Object.SwipteTo ZapObject swipeDestinationObject, Optional int msSpeed (Default = 1500)
        You specify the first object in the GUI from where you want to start the swiping, and the second object is the destination of the swiping, meaning, what is the last place the swipe should stop its execution.

        2. Change GUI class object into a "Swiper" class
        By changing the object’s class you create a new type of object which contains 2 rectangles to update in the Workbench:
        Each rectangle can behave as the target or the source location of the swiping action, and using its methods you will be able to execute the swiping physical action.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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