How to set Android for Zap-fix testing?

How to set Android for Zap-fix testing?

Home Forums ZAPTEST Old Posts How to set Android for Zap-fix testing?

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  • #30491
    Curtis Don


      We want to start testing our mobile applications using an Android device – Do we need to set our device for such Zap-fix testing? And if yes then how?


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello CurtisDo,

        Thank-you for your question.

        Basically you do need to configure your Android mobile device to use Zap-fix for testing.

        ZAP offers 3 different options to configure your device:

        1. The rooted approach – This will allow you to control the device completely. Full access to all applications on the device and any system applications/settings.
        This option requires you root your device.
        This is considered the most comfortable option.

        2. The instrumented approach – This will allow you to interact with the instrumented application. In order to be able to connect you must make sure the instrumented application has been launched and the device screen is on.
        This option requires you to add a ZAP framework into the source code of your application.
        This is considered the most secure option.

        3. The ZUMA approach – The ZUMA approach will allow you to work with a device that is neither rooted nor instrumented. Allowing to work with a device as is out of the box with full control of all the applications/system settings.
        This is currently only available for devices hosted on ZAPFARM.

        Please let us know what option you prefer to use for device configuration, and we’ll be happy to share the full information for the selected option’s actual steps.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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