How to interact with Android onscreen keyboard.

How to interact with Android onscreen keyboard.

Home Forums Ask Expert How to interact with Android onscreen keyboard.

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  • #32257

      I need to close the keyboard or click on the “Next” button

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello Michel. Thanks for using ZAPTEST.

        To minimize the keyboard you may use “click” to some part of the page to remove cursor from the text input field.
        To press “Next” button you may simply create the object with text “Next” and apply click method on it – it should work fine.

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team.


          Thank you Kirill
          Option 1 does not work, the keyboard remains visible. I don’t know why !
          Option 2 was what I did but it did not work until I realize… after “type” the email, the focus was lost. I, therefore, added a “wait” and a “click” on the email after “type” and voila 🙂

          Kirill Bulatnikov

            Another option to minimize the keyboard is emulate of Esc pressing. Try thing like this:
            Application(“Application”).KeyPress 27

            ZAPTEST Team.


              Oh, it’s a good idea, but it does not work in my case …
              I tried with 13 (Enter) and it works to go to the next items (like a traditional tab). As long as it is not a button or hyperlink 😉

              Kirill Bulatnikov

                As I understand this is some specific application, not a browser, correct?
                Can you try to control it using your hands to understand how to minimize the keyboard? Is the swipe down disables the keyboard?

                MICHEL BELANGER

                  Yes, you’re right it’s an app.
                  So by hand, there is no swipe down and if we click outside it does not work either.

                  The developer replied that the way to do it manually is to click on the “BACK” (android) of the mobile device…
                  It’s always been like this, Android users are used to that … And we will not improve it :ohmy:
                  So I need to deal with it !

                  Maybe there is a way to operate Android buttons in Zaptest? But I have not seen anything yet.
                  Even if a little crappy, we found some solutions to work around the prob 😉

                  Just say thank you, and I hope it will help other people

                  MICHEL BELANGER

                    I found a way !!!
                    “RightClick” = “BACK” of Android
                    ex(JS): Application(“mobile by farm web view”).View(“View”).RightClick;

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