how to handle drop downs and mouse clicks

how to handle drop downs and mouse clicks

Home Forums Ask Expert how to handle drop downs and mouse clicks

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  • #31941
    Sowmiya S

      I can able to launch the application but unable to click on any options in that applications if I use click() and List() simply.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello sowmiyass,

        This may happen because the objects are not being recognized by ZAPTEST properly, objects such as the Application parent object or the text-box and the drop-down objects:
        In order to recognize properly the Application object you have to make sure the Application’s object property “regexpwndtitle” value is set to the exact name of the window of the AUT (Application Under Test), if this value changes you can use regular expression or even remove its value completely.
        If the text-box and drop-down objects are not found you need to update their Properties as well, Properties such as the Relative object property which requires assigning a close object that ZAPTEST does recognize (Such as a text based object).

        Please refer to our tutorial at:


        And also you can check our “How-To” page at:

        ZAPTEST Team

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