How to generate test suite from test cases

How to generate test suite from test cases

Home Forums Ask Expert How to generate test suite from test cases

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  • #31945
    Tam Nguyen

      Hi All,

      According to the tutorial, ZapTest could generate a Jira test case automatically. But how to add them to a test suite in Jira? (I want to manage my test cases smoothly)
      Additional, how to work on ZapTest with co-workers? Currently, I exported my test scripts in a .zap file and send to members, and otherwise. It’s very difficult to work with a team member.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Tam Nguyen

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello Tam Nguyen
        Please refer following video:

        Hope that helps.
        ZAPTEST Team

        Tam Nguyen

          Thank for your support.
          I already watched this tutorial video but I don’t see how to add more test case to a test suite?
          And how to share/work the repository test script with my members? Available on Enterprise version?

          Kirill Bulatnikov

            If you want to create modular test suite (e.g. call for different external scripts from parent script) then you will need Enterprise version.
            The same for exporting of the external repository – this is only available for enterprise users.

            With Free Edition you are able to create a scripts and share it via email/network drive/cloud/Jira etc.

            ZAPTEST Team.

            Tam Nguyen

              Thank you very much!
              The final question, have a direct support channel for the user that used Enterprise version?

              Kirill Bulatnikov

                Yeah for Enterprise user we have personalized support when ZAPTEST product expert assigned to the customer.

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