
How to click on scroll bar

How to click on scroll bar

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  • #32858
    Adil Kamal

      I have menu on left and by clicking Menu item, there is scroll bar appearing which i have to scroll. I have created new Object of that scroll bar but when i use click event of that object it clicks on the right hand side main scroll bar. How can i do scrolling?

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello Adil,

        To do scrolling it is best to use the “ScrollTo” method – Please check the following explanation of this method at:

        Also you can use the “ScrollWheel” method which enables you to scroll the mouse’s wheel for a specific scroll bar, for example:
        Application(“ABC”).View(“ABC”).Object(“Object with caption”).Object(“ScrollBar”).Click
        Application(“ABC”).ScrollWheel x, y, z, k, True

        Please check the following explanation about the “ScrollWheel” method at:

        Also you can find most of ZAPTEST subjects and methods at the How-To page at:

        Hope this helps.

        ZAPTEST Team

        Adil Kamal

          Hi Karma,
          Thanks for getting back to me, but I am having problem with the click. I have created the Object and using the Click method but it doesn’t recognize this scroll bar where I am trying to click, it clicks on the main scroll bar on right hand side. I need to know how do i capture this object scroll bar when creating object.
          Here is the code:

          Sasha ZAP

            Hello Adil,
            Because the Scroll Bar is an image type object (Object which does not have any caption in it) you must use different techniques so ZAPTEST will be able to locate the object as expected:
            You need to set a Relative Object and probably to use the Area and Image type objects – Please check this video:

            Image and Area Objects

            Hope this helps,
            ZAPTEST Team

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