How can we install Zap Test on linux system

How can we install Zap Test on linux system

Home Forums Ask Expert How can we install Zap Test on linux system

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  • #32412
    avinash akotkar

      We do have many Linux system e.g RHEL6, RHEL7, SUSE11,SUSE12
      But I don’t see Linux installer on the webpage. How do I get it?

      Valentin ZAP

        Hello Avinash Akotkar!

        ZAPTEST doesn’t have an installer for Linux OSs. To perform testing Linux platforms you have to install ZAPTEST on Windows machine and use VNC remote sessions to perform the actual testing.

        If you have Linux/MacOS/Other systems only, you could use VM, please check out this example:

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        avinash akotkar

          Hello AndreySh,
          Thanks for your input.
          But from Video, it is not clear to me.
          I have VncViewer through which we can connect to different Linux boxes.
          On Zaptest software, I have seen on section “M-Run” where we can connect devices, so through that can we connect linux boxes?

          Thanks with Regards,

          Sergey ZAP

            Hello Avinash,
            Yes, you need to use Create New Connection button, and provide Host/IP, port number, and password of your VNC server (see image).
            Once connected you can save this info into a configuration (File > Save Configuration), so next time you can just open the configuration.


            avinash akotkar

              Sorry for late reply. I was stuck on Produce release.
              Finally able to access linux box using Zaptest viewer and MRun.
              But one more question…I dont know how to run script on Linux ….I mean I do have windows running script but how does it will connect to linux and run script on linux box

              Sergey ZAP

                Once you have established connection to your linux in M-Run, simply press the Run button.
                If you want to use ZAP Viewer, you need to modify your application object(s) accordingly so ZAPTEST could focus on the ZAP Viewer and use it as the application under test. Please use these values:
                regexpwndtitle=”ZAP Viewer”
                Activate Window=True

                avinash akotkar

                  Thanks …I can see the script running through MRUN 🙂
                  Thank you very much

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