Getting Error While Launching Desktop App

Getting Error While Launching Desktop App

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  • #31256
    Saurabh Jain

      Getting error (please refer attached img) while launching desktop application. But after stopping the execution report shows launch app step as Pass. But in reality application not get started.
      Can anyone tell me what is the issue and How to solve this?

      Kirill Bulatnikov

        Hello, thanks for using ZAPTEST
        The error looks like something wrong with user’s permissions. What application you are trying to start to?
        Are you using VM or real machine? Are you admin for this workstation?
        ZAPTEST Team

        Saurabh Jain

          I am the admin for this work station.
          Not using VM.
          I have run ZAPTEST as admin.

          We will leave this as it is, any way Thanks for the reply.

          Can you please resolve below issue, its an main problem I am facing:
          1. I have created test-case for the app. Script contains only 3 lines
          2. After retsrting app and the ZAPTest script unable to find objects
          3. I have refer “Problem with rerun the same script” in the forum and I found that its due to “regexpwndclass” property of application
          4. On every restart of application its regexpwndclass gets changed. Part after “App-name” (i.e from thread)gets change(HwndWrapper[CompName.Gms.ApplicationFramework.exe;App-name thread.;4c28a02f-841d-433c-8017-8a59ba774ef1])
          5. How to resolve this?
          6. What is regexpwndclass?

          Kirill Bulatnikov

            If regexpwndclass is changing on every application run it may cause a problem for sure.
            It may be resolved if regexpwndclass having some static prefix, as I understand “HwndWrapper” is prefix in your case. If so then keep HwndWrapper as your regexpwndclass and it should work then.
            ZAPTEST Team

            Saurabh Jain

              Yes we have some prefix, but how to “keep prefix-text as regexpwndclass” ?
              DO you have any code for this?
              Will I need to do some setting?


              Kirill Bulatnikov

                You can go to the properties of application in Repository Explorer and set static value of regexpwndclass/regexpwndtitle. See attached screenshot.

                Or you can set it dynamically with SetProperty method.
                Application(“”).SetProperty “regexpwndclass”, “HwndWrapper”

                Hope that helps.
                ZAPTEST Team

                Saurabh Jain

                  I have used set method its working now.
                  But can you tell me what is “regexpwndclass”?
                  And form where it take vaule?


                  Kirill Bulatnikov

                    The “regexpwndclass” is window class name of the sought-for object as it is registered in the operating system, ZAPTEST take it from OS during scanning of application.

                    ZAPTEST Team

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