Forum Rules and Guidelines

Forum Rules and Guidelines

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  • #30915
    Valentin ZAP

      Welcome to the ZAPTEST forums,

      In order to start participating in the Forum, you must agree and abide to the Acceptance Of Terms.

      This is a User-to-User Interaction Forum – An open arena offered as a free service by ZAPTEST and is intended to provide you, our valuable customer, with a fun place to discuss ZAPTEST products and share experiences, ideas, helpful tips and more among test automation users and enthusiasts. We expect you to use good judgment and common sense when posting and act in a mature and civil manner, as the users here include people of all ages, therefore the contents in a post should be suitable as such.

      Although the Forum is moderated by ZAPTEST employees who may provide answers to some questions, the moderators onboard are not here to provide direct support for your ZAPTEST products. The purpose of the Forum is still intended only as a way for users to get answers from other users. The Forum is not a substitute for contacting Customer Support. If you require immediate assistance, you will need to contact Customer Support in your respective region either by e-mail, telephone or open a support ticket. We believe only when everyone can follow these simple rules and guidelines as outlined in the Acceptance Of Terms, the Forums can be a place fun, friendly and most of all, informative place for all members.

      The administrators and moderators reserve the rights to delete, lock, ban and edit posts for anyone who violates or fails to observe any of the rules below. Any continuous violation of these rules will result in a permanent ban of their account. The administrators and moderators will apply appropriate measures depending on the effect of the rules that have been violated. For the benefit of all members, there is a zero-tolerance on spamming, which will result in an immediate ban of the member and his/her account.

      In order to avoid being banned or having your post deleted or locked, please observe the following rules:

      Do not post any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, porn, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable in your posts/threads and/or PMs. This includes the use of language/words as well as images.
      Do not use character substitution, spaces, hyphens or other ways to circumvent the profanity filter. It is there for a reason and not to be bypassed.
      This forum is for the discussion of ZAPTEST products, it is not a general Test Automation forum. It also should not be used to advertise products from other brands.
      Do not post discussion content about (but not limited to) copy protection circumvention (DRM, CSS, etc…), password cracking, software hacking, piracy or anything that could be illegal and breaking the law.
      No flaming or trolling.
      Do not post with a unconstructive rant. We want to maintain some semblance of order and usability here, therefore all posts are going to be monitored strictly. If you want your criticism/feedback to be heard, post it in a well thought out and constructive manner, be it negative or positive.
      Each user is allowed only one login account. Registering multiple accounts is not allowed. Sharing accounts is not allowed.
      Do not insult the administrators, moderators or another Forum users.
      Do not call Forum user a ‘fanboy’, ‘gay’, or similar stuff for their like or dislike of a particular brand or product. Such name-calling is simply rude, insulting and is not welcome in the Forum. Learn to respect others and you will get the same respect in return.
      Do not attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated here. Challenging others points of view and opinions are acceptable but do so in a respectful and thoughtful manner without personal attack. This will help create a pleasant and clean environment for all users.
      Do not start bashing. Deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand, product or company will get you banned. If you have a complaint or comment to make then make it once and that’s it. If you’re still unsatisfied, you can always write in to Customer Support to related your experience or complaint.
      Do not post content that could cause intentional interference or deliberate attempts to overload a system with the operation of the (but not limited to) Forum, fellow Forum user message box, e-mail system, any company, etc.
      No unauthorized solicitation (but are not limited to) such as gathering information against specific company, spamming, advertising, pyramid schemes, etc. This includes the content that’s in posts/threads, PMs and signatures.
      Do not provide any non-public information about ZAPTEST or any other company or person without the proper authorization to do so. This includes (but not limited to) providing the names and e-mail content of ZAPTEST employees, personal information of fellow Forum users, etc.
      Do not post duplicates or mulitple repeated post all across the board. That’s consider spamming and it simply annoy others. A single post will bring the message across just as well, so duplicating is not necessary.

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