Failure to send type command

Failure to send type command

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  • #31871
    Sasha ZAP

      Hello gsingh2014,

      Please try the following:

      1. Add another attribute to the Type method, “True” to the “UsePhysicalKeyboardEvents” attribute, so the full command will be:
      Application(“Power ON”).View(“View 6”).Object(“Username”).Object(“txtusername”).Type “Admin”, 0, False, True

      2. If this will not help please scan again the page but this time save it with a different Application object’s name (Instead of “Power ON” Application object’s name, before saving the new scan, set a different name only for this specific window).

      ZAPTEST Team

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello gsingh2014,

        If my last solution will still not help please try the following:
        1. Rescan the AUT in order to set value to the Application object’s “regexpwndclass” property.
        2. Remove the “regexpwndtitle” Application object’s property value (Do not remove the “regexpwndclass” Application’s object property value).

        ZAPTEST Team

        Gurpreet Singh

          Thanks Sasha.

          Your this suggestion helped:

          2. If this will not help please scan again the page but this time save it with a different Application object’s name (Instead of “Power ON” Application object’s name, before saving the new scan, set a different name only for this specific window).

          Sasha ZAP

            Thank you gsingh2014.

            vaidehi inda

              Hi Sasha and gSingh,

              I’ve been trying since a quite long time to solve Type method not typing in my applications Username field. Below solution solved my problem.
              Thanks so much.

              ” 2. If this will not help please scan again the page but this time save it with a different Application object’s name (Instead of “Power ON” Application object’s name, before saving the new scan, set a different name only for this specific window). “

              Sasha ZAP

                Thank you vindavarapu – I’m glad the answer helped you too.
                ZAPTEST Team

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