ExitCode 128 on IOS Install package

ExitCode 128 on IOS Install package

Home Forums Ask Expert ExitCode 128 on IOS Install package

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  • #32324
    Valentin ZAP

      Hello Michel!

      “A screenshot” operation doesn’t require a valid certificate… Please take a look into your cert. We have rechecked iOS 12.3 in our lab and it works as expected.

      Thank you,
      ZAPTEST Team


        Thats weird because this certificate is valid with the other automation testing tool we use. (I don’t want to say the name 😉 )

        Valentin ZAP

          Hello Michel!

          I understand, but the different tool can do different staff. ZAPTEST is strict to the certificate and does full package signing process. As an additional check, take a look into your provision file and check the ProvisionedDevices. This dictionary should contain your device UDID.

          Does it contain?

          Thank you,
          ZAPTEST Team


            there is


            Valentin ZAP

              Hello Michel!

              It’s great! Could you try to install this package by providing all certificates: https://www.zaptest.com/user-zone/downloads/item/148-zapbrowser

              Do you get the same error?

              PS. Can you test the “installation process” on other devices?

              Thank you,
              ZAPTEST Team

              MICHEL BELANGER

                I don’t understand…
                If I try to install zapbrowser, the browse button is disabled
                I’m not sure what I’m doing Because it does not make sense to install your application with my certificate ?!
                but anyways both not working



                Valentin ZAP

                  Hello Michel!

                  When you select install browser icon, ZAPTEST provides default path for the inbuilt Browser application, which is always correct (It generates automatically in the temporary directory).

                  You have to provide your certificates for the full automation process. In the latest versions, Apple has prohibited remote execution of an application in case of using non-developer certificates.

                  You could install the browser (I sent a link in a previous message) without certificates by checking the checkbox “Package already contains ZAP Agent”. But this way, you have to launch this application manually and accept ZAPTEST certificates (Enterprise Distribution).

                  Regarding your current issue – how did you create your certificate, p12 container? Does it contain the only certificate?

                  Thank you,
                  ZAPTEST Team

                  MICHEL BELANGER

                    It try by checking the checkbox “Package already contains ZAP Agent”, and here the ExitCode 128

                    MICHEL BELANGER

                      about “how did you create your certificate, p12 container? Does it contain the only certificate?”…
                      I do not know how our apple developer proceeds. I know it uses xcode. I will look with him.

                      MICHEL BELANGER

                        We made several different configurations, without success! 🙁

                        MICHEL BELANGER

                          Not sure what exactly solved the problem but we used the Apple developer program instead of the enterprise one and we switched to a wildcard provisioning profile. And now is working ! :woohoo:

                          Valentin ZAP

                            Hello Michel!

                            Yes, with the latest iOS updates you have to use developer certificate only. iOS has improved security.

                            Thank you,
                            ZAPTEST Team

                            MICHEL BELANGER

                              Yes, you’re right … the problem was that you do not yet support Enterprise certificate. However, we found workaround with Developer certificate, like you said 🙂

                              Let me know when you will be compatible with Enterprise certificate 🙂

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