Concurrent License Question

Concurrent License Question

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  • #30557
    Hogan Rotem

      Hello Zap,

      We are a bit confused regarding the Zap-fix licensing:
      We have number of Zap-fix users and we bought a Concurrent License type;
      How it is best to install the Concurrent License?

      Thanks in advance.

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello HoRotem,

        Thank-you for your question.

        1. Basically you can install the ZPX (Zap-fix) license only on a physical machine, therefore when using the Concurrent License you actually using the License Server to enable (copy to it) the License key, and the License server should be installed only on a physical machine.
        2. After installing the License server you can install as many ZPX instances as you likeneed on any type of machine (physical orand VM).
        3. You are connecting the ZPX installed instance to the License Server by typing the name of the machine (Or its IP Address) in the first license window (which pop-ups when first executing ZPX).
        4. The ZPX License Server will allow only a limited number of ZPX instances to work based on what your ZPX license permits you (This is based on the number of Concurrent Clients you’ve specified when first purchasing ZPX license, and this number can be always updated by requesting its update through the License Request form).

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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