ClickRow dont work

ClickRow dont work

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  • #32718
    Marco Malziotti

      With the attachment I cannot select the row of the month indicated as a parameter.
      Assuming that the “BirthMonth” parameter is an integer between 1 and 12, in none of the three cases (line 8, 9 and 10) I can select the corresponding month.
      Can you help me please?
      I use ZapTest version 20.2.27 on Windows 10 Enterprise.

      Marco Malziotti

      Sergey ZAP

        Hello Mark!

        In the attached script I showed two examples how to deal with web lists.

        1. I re-scanned your page and adjusted position of your List object (it has to be accurately defined). It’s able to select any month number correctly.

        2. Alternative way is to use Type method to enter a value from a list.

        Marco Malziotti

          Hello Sergey
          I took your advice and I have re-scanned my page on a screen with resolution (1920 x 1080) in view “WebStep1-birthDate-month”. I attach the updated file.
          In both cases (execution of line 7, 8 or 9) I get the same result “Unable to find parent object” (see attachments).
          Thanks for the support.

          Marco Malziotti

          Sergey ZAP

            Hello Marco!
            You scanned English version of the webpage, but you try to run the test against its Italian version.
            The text in Italian is different, this is why ZAPTEST can not find “monthBirthDate” object.
            You need to use same language for test design and test run.
            It is possible however to use same script for both languages, but you need to keep updating Text and Language properties for each OCR object.

            Marco Malziotti

              Maybe the “3” is too close to the edge?
              line 10 work fine (see “Results – examplerecognition2 – line 10 ok.pdf”)
              lines 8 and 9 not recognize “3”.(see “Results – examplerecognition2 – line 8 and 9 nok.pdf”)
              Thank Sergey.


              Sergey ZAP

                Hi Marco!

                All numbers are too close to the edge of the listbox – this imposes extra challenge.
                You need to define boundaries of the object very carefully, esp. its left border.
                Alternatively you can simply type the month number (I showed this in an early example), this is much more reliable.

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