Click method does not always work as expected

Click method does not always work as expected

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  • #32650
    Dev Das

      I am using the free edition of ZAPTEST to do a PoC on HTML5 application that works via a terminal server. I have successfully scanned the GUI and captured the needed objects. But as per the below code “Image Object 11” does not always gets clicked when invoked. I have applied Wait statements as well to solve the synchronization issues but it does not solve it.
      I have attached the object properties for this object as well for your reference.

      Please help in resolving this issue.

      Application(“HERMES”).View(“View”).Object(“Image Object 11”).Click


      Sergey ZAP

        1. You need to ensure ZAPTEST finds correct object. In Results expand the Click line and verify captured image.
        Increase Precision as needed: select Custom and type custom value (up to 100).

        2. You may still have a synchronization problem.
        Try these steps:
        Application(“HERMES”).View(“View”).Object(“Image Object 11”).Exist
        wait 3
        Application(“HERMES”).View(“View”).Object(“Image Object 11”).Click
        (If your application is slow loading, you may need to increase number of seconds in wait)

        3. Click operation may be too short. You can change click duration using 3rd argument. See the method’s help for more details:

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