Cannot execute android agent – Android 11

Cannot execute android agent – Android 11

Home Forums Ask Expert Cannot execute android agent – Android 11

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  • #32810
    Florian Hansen


      I managed to connect my physical android mobile phone to my win10 pc and that it is shown in the “Device Manager”. If I want now to open an app (doenst matter which app) I get always the following error shown. I installed the ADB interface, but not sure if it works correctly.

      Could you please tell me how to resolve this error?

      I am using zaptTest Free Version 21.1.2

      Sasha ZAP

        Hello [email protected],

        I apologize for the late response.

        Reconnect your device and in ZAPTEST go to Tools -> Environment Manager -> And click Control Device – Does it work now?
        Please provide feedback with a screenshot of the displayed view.

        If the device still has issues please do the following:
        1. Please check this video and make sure you’ve managed to connect your device as required:

        Configuring Mobile Devices

        2. If the device was configured and connected properly please provide us the following logs:
        – Device Log (Please check the attached “Device Log.jpg” screenshot to understand from where you can generate this log).
        – Device Gateway Log – You can download the Device Gateway from this link:
        After installing it, reconnect your device and execute the Device Gateway, then copy its appeared log from the Device Gateway main window (Please check the “Device Gateway Log.jpg” attached screenshot).

        Our R&D team thinks this may be an Android 11 support issue and they are trying to emulate your issue.

        Thank you,
        ZAPTEST Team

        Florian Hansen

          Hello, if I click “Control Device” in Environment Manager I get the following info message:

          Where do I get this licences for the FREE Edition and how can I activate it?

          Sasha ZAP

            Hello Florian.

            Sorry for confusion, Full Device Control functionality is not available for FREE users.

            Based on error that you got, something wrong with ADB drivers.
            Please try to delete ADB drivers and Device Gateway from your ZAPFARM server. Then please go ZAPFARM help > Plug in Devices and follow instructions for Android devices (See attached screenshot).

            Please note, when you use Android device first time with ZAPFARM and USB debugging, you probably will see some confirmation message on your device. Please make sure you click approve.

            If issue still appears, please send Gateway Log and Device Log.

            ZAPTEST Team

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