Hi AndreySh,
I am successful using your first suggestion on the scanning of the Dropdown list.
However I am still not able to click on the items inside the drop down list.
I have tried the workarounds below, but none seemed to work on our app:
Workaround 1
Hold CTRL key
Activate Drop down
Select Item from List
Release CTRL key
Workaround 2
Hold CTRL key
Activate Drop down
Click with Move mouse down to select Item in drop down list
Release CTRL key
Workaround 3
Hold CTRL key
Activate Drop down by double clicking
Select Row 1 on the drop down list
Release CTRL button
Workaround 4
Activate Drop Down
Click Row 1 in drop Down list
Workaround 5
Activate Drop Down
Move mouse down
Click Row 1 in drop Down
Workaround 6
Activate Drop Down by double clicking
Move mouse down
Click Row 1 in drop Down
Zaptest was able to Click the DropDown control, and the Drop down list items shows up but disappears very fast and Zaptest was not able to click the items inside before the drop down list disappeared.
I have attached the screen recording and zaptest file.
The screen recording starts on the comment: ‘Start of Video Recording’ in the zaptest script
Please let me know if you have any advice on how to resolve the issue.
Thanks for the help.