Can Zap-Fix connect to ALM?

Can Zap-Fix connect to ALM?

Home Forums ZAPTEST Old Posts Can Zap-Fix connect to ALM?

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  • #30637
    Alisha Michaels

      Hello Zap,

      Today ALM replaces QC, does Zap-fix also can connect to ALM as well, and if yes then how?


      Sasha ZAP

        Hello AlishaM,

        Thank-you for your question.

        The standalone Zap-fix version is named today as ZAPTEST.
        To connect ZAPTEST to ALM is basically done the same as in its previous versions (Zap-fix) as it connected to QC:
        Go to ALM -> ALM Connection -> Set all required ALM credentials and click Connect.
        You can also upload and save tests to ALM, and also download tests from ALM.

        Please contact Zap for further help.


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