Hello RobKites,
Thank-you for your question.
In the latest Zapfree v15.0.54 (AKA ZAPTEST Community Edition) there is a new feature which enables to connect a mobile device and open the mobile application on it;
By using the Zap-fix Mobile Viewer you will be able to view same mobile executed app on your machine and do all required testing on it, using Zapfree (And also ZAPTEST full version, which allows also scripting).
The way to do the above is as follow:
1. Enable the “USB Debugging” feature and connect teh mobile to your machine using the USB cable.
2. Click the Record button and choose “Mobile App”.
3. In the appeared window select your device and the app you wish to test, then click the Record button.
4. The Mobile Viewer will be launchd with the selected mobile app.
5. Now you will be able to use it for a recording like you do with any regular windowsweb based app.
6. When you’ll execute the test the Mobile Viewer will be launched automatically with your app for testing (Make sure not to disconnect the mobile device at the end of the recording).
Please contact Zap for further help.